This has been a good week. Got in the miles on both the bike/trainer and the run. Swim is maintaining and even got in one strength session and one yoga session. I have to say that the snow/sleet/rain/ice/cold/wind wasn't super awesome and by the end of my Thursday morning 7 miler, Kona was shivering and I was soaked all the way thru 3 layers of clothes. I didn't have time to deal with it before work so, you all know the drill, throw the dripping clothes in the bathtub to save for later! Brrr. Anywho, 70 degrees forecast for Tuesday so let's just put that behind us, shall we?
Ran my last long run before the Lincoln Half in three weeks. Mr KT, Brick and Kona and I set out to do about 11 miles. We ran down the trail about 5 miles to a park with the wind pushing us from the back. Felt good to be out and running. We saw a huge fire to the west of the trail behind some buildings and as we ran up on it we saw a crane with a giant stream of water. Mr KT had thought that maybe someone was burning something on purpose. Apparently not. We got to the park and were scoping out some picnic shelters Mr KT could use for the youth group at church when it hit him. You know the feeling, stomach clenches up and we were no longer looking for picnic tables, we were looking for a bathroom. Poor guy. The bathrooms at the baseball diamond were still closed for the season so we ran over to the Skeet/Trap shooting range and he ran in there while the dogs and I waited outside. Man, that was good timing although I feel sorry for all the dudes in there that were left with the aftermath of that. If that had happened anywhere else on the trail he would have been out of luck. All of this made me think of Steve in a Speedo's 5K this weekend. I hear he was going to try to eat a bazillion donuts during the run. Yikes. Hope that went ok. We finished our run with no other craziness or pit stops. It was a smidge too long for the babies. We decided that they are limited to about 7 miles. It's just too hard on their little paws.
Oh yeah, one other thing about our run... we always see this same man riding his road bike. He never has on a helmet and oftentimes he is in street clothes. Doesn't matter the time of day or day of the week, seems like he is always riding. Anywho, Mr KT said to me, "I'll bet you a yoga session and dinner tonight that we see him out here today." I took him up on that as I had nothing to really lose. We didn't see him, which means that Mr KT will be partaking in a Bikram yoga class with me. I have been begging him to come. He has been quite resistant. I think that he might be afraid he will like it! Wish him luck.
NICE Week of Training Last Week!
14 hours ago
Awesome picture. I wish my girls would behave for a run. Thats my mission for th summer - teach them to be good runner pals.
Glad he found a bathroom! I know the feeling!!
How did Mr. KT like it? I keep trying to get my hubby to try yoga but he's just not buying it. Maybe I should wager a bet, too! :)
you guys are ka.ra.zee. that kind of weather and soaked to the bone. Way to train, awesome.
It's Tuesday! Is the forecast holding? Enjoy the sun!
We used to take Baxter on our long runs... Up to 14miles. Then, you could just tell it was hurting him, even though he would never give up.
We now limite it to 9miles max... 7-8 seems to be the perfect mix! We stop to give them water every 10-15mins, more often when it's really hot out.
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