A few odds and ends!
1. I had a great weekend. Yesterday was filled with cleaning and chores. Then in the evening we went to buy Mr KT a pair of new lifting shoes. We walked out of the shoe store with $200 in shoes. Two pairs for him and one pair for me. Check these bad boys out!! We both ended up with a pair. Yeah, I know, his and hers is not that sweet. I am pretty much only wearing mine to the hospital. My kiddos are going to love them. Mr KT plans on wearing his everywhere I think!
Today was especially awesome! I got up and went running in Lincoln! Long easy run. Almost 9 miles with a little kick at the end. Apparently I should have run faster. Then we had breakfast/lunch at Panera, yummy bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. Then off to Omaha for Bikram yoga. Felt fantastic. I had a great class, hot, sweaty, intense workout (yes we are still talking about yoga). I absolutely LOVE Bikram. I highly recommend that every single one of you out there. Try it.
2. This second random point is specifically based off of Steve in a Speedo's last post about the really short shorts. I commented that there must be a happy medium between shorts being too short and too long. I just want to throw out there that Mr KT and I have had a standing agreement since we got married. It has to do with clothing and appearance and how you leave the house everyday. This started because what women wear doesn't really say anything about their husbands but what dudes wear definitely reflects on their wives, unfortunately! So, it is my job to make sure that when he leaves the house (if I am home) that he sort of matches, his zipper is zipped, and he remembered all articles of clothing. The same goes for him, its his job to make sure I brushed my hair, got the toothpaste off my mouth, and that my shoes are the same. This does not mean that I get to have a say in what he actually wears, his clothes are his choice and his hair style (which he finally cut back to short and HOT) is his choice. He has a different style than I do and that's fine but doesn't mean he gets to leave looking like a dork and neither do I! All in good fun, I have to wish Pharmie good luck on this one. It's going to be a tough road! =0) Just kidding you too, you are both awesome.
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
20 hours ago
I will have to tell Adriane about this rule. One day I went to a client on a casual friday wearing two different shoes.
Those are some seriously sweet lookin scooters! Don't tell him... but I think we're ALL glad Mr. KT cut locks... seriously...
Really? Poor Di!
neato treads.
I really like that icecream pic on your last post. so tempting.
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