So I ran this morning. Don't get me wrong, I've been running. I usually tuck E man into the stroller with his hat, blanket, toys, and sunglasses. Then I round up the dogs and leash them up, get their collars, find doggy doo sacks. It's quite the production. This morning I snuck out of the house. I left Mr KT asleep in our bed upstairs, E asleep in his crib, and the dogs in their kennels. I slipped out the door into the drizzle and it was just me. Just two feet, two lungs, one heart beat, two arms pumping and a very quiet brain. No cell phone, no ipod, no baby, no animals. No worrying about work, or if the sun was in the baby's face, or if his hat had slipped over his eyes, or if the very favorite teething giraffe had been slung over the side of the stroller into a puddle a mile ago. No worry about making sure we still had two tiny socks, that the dogs weren't tangled up or about to bolt for a squirrel, or if the baby was chewing on his sunglasses instead of wearing them. No texts, emails, or phone calls. No need to manage a large herd on a small path. The ability to swing both arms! My head grew quiet. I watched two geese fly in for a water landing on the golf course pond. And then I ran home to fix a bottle and change a diaper and see that sweet baby's sleepy smile. Happy sigh.
February in Review
16 hours ago
I laugh as I read your post - we MUST run together! I could give you a glimpse into your future - DOUBLE jogger, two kids and two dogs. When it is just me and the dogs it's EARLY mornings, home in time to nurse the baby and put the toddler on the potty (YES sometimes at the SAME TIME!!) I ran solo for the first time in a LONG time not long ago (I always feel guilty about leaving the dogs, but I didn't want to have to stop for any pee breaks except for possibly my own). It felt amazingly quiet... and peaceful... and those are the times I feel SO BLESSED for the craziness that awaits me at home!
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