Ok, this sounds way hotter than it actually is... unless you are a runner and then you might disagree.
Let me preface by saying that I live in the Midwest (Nebraska) and we get some sweet weather (as do many other places) in the winter. Sunday morning I ran at 8:30 am. It was about 6 degrees and the wind chill was -16 degrees (30 mph out of the NNW). Brrr, that is cold. Many of you all know exactly what I am talking about. To be honest, it really isn't that hard to run outside if you dress appropriately. People typically say, "I can't run outside in weather like that, it hurts my lungs." I don't have that problem. Ice freezes my eyelashes and nose hairs together, makes frost on my hat and makes my cheeks sting. Sometimes it is so cold it gives you a virtual ice cream headache when the cold wind hits your forehead just below your stocking hat but it really doesn't bother my lungs at all. Guess I'm lucky. Anywho, along with all that cold also comes snow (no big deal) and ice (a bit of a pain). I don't mind running on the ice except that the chance that I am going to fall down and break my neck exponentially increases when I have a dog pulling on the end of a leash. In the past I have just barely managed to stay on my feet and typically take one or two little tumbles in the winter but have come away unscathed. The problem is that even if you stay on your feet, you can't go very fast because you have no push off.
Now, check this out!
Woot woot! Yeah, I screwed my shoes. This tip came from Blink. He sent me a link to the web site. So freaking cool.
Just follow the instructions on the web site and I am not kidding you, it is like Go Go Gadget shoes. Almost like having a serious super power! So awesome. You still have to be careful obviously but my gosh it is amazing. The other cool thing is that you can take the screws out and run in those same shoes later. Whoo Hoo! Thanks Blink.
February in Review
16 hours ago
Thanks for the well wishes KT!
I already have a surprisingly long list of leads for only hunting a day and a half and I'll be attacking it Monday morning. The spirits aren't down(yet) and at least I'll have some time for some serious base training!
I've heard of a bunch of other people putting screws in their shoes too. Especially with all the snow here that has been melting and freezing over and over, it can get a little sketchy. I was going to invest in some yaktrax, but since I'm obviously cutting back on spending, I might have to screw my old pair of running shoes to test it out!
Hi KT- I'd be interested to hear more from people who've screwed their shoes - traction, feel, wear, etc. Saw it in the Feb. Runner's World (not for the first time) and I've been thinking about it. Only problem is getting my rear out the door in the cold in the first place!
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