I was grumpy today. I had been having stomach issues... not a bug or illness but just my day to day touchy system. Sometimes, I just have to stop eating and reset. That seems to work the best for me. Usually though, I don't have to go for so long. So I ate dinner last night at 5:30 pm. (It was early but I was super hungry and didn't want to snack.) That did not go so well. Since I am not Tri-Dummy, you are not going to get any more details, just take my word for it. Anywho, I rode on the trainer last night and tried my best to ignore it. I still felt bad this am so no breakfast. I ended up having to work through lunch with our DME (durable medical equipment) guru doing wheelchair repairs and one seating system eval. I was getting really grouchy and impatient by this time and my body language was rather obvious as is not uncommon for me (at least I am aware). I went in an hour early to work this morning so that I could do a trail run during the afternoon while it was still light. I talked the DME vendor into going with me. I mean, he runs, he ran a half marathon 8 months ago and has been on the treadmill maybe three times since then. =0) It was a great run! And while the leaves make it feel like every valley on the trail is a death-trap, it was beautiful. We saw about 6 deer, an owl, heard a screech owl and lots of other little wood creatures. It was cool but not cold, sunny but not hot. Just fantastic. We did two separate loops of the park for about a 45 minute run. I was so not grouchy afterwards and have felt great since then. I even made an egg sandwich for dinner tonight and ate! So 24 hours later, I have been fed. The only downside, I didn't get to take Kona-baby on the run. Maybe next time.
Kona and her stick.
Babies in the backyard.
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
20 hours ago
Hey I'm like'n the black! ;)
Sorry about the stomach issues.
And as to your comment on my blog. Uh yah girl get with it, thats what all the cool kids are doin.
Just hope Kona and Bricko are safe tonight. :)
hi!! cute new blog!
i'm sorry to "meet" another blogger with stomach issues. :( i feel your pain... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (and apparently it's so common i wish they would just develop drugs (that worked) for this stuff!!!)
Aw, look at the puppies!
A good run or ride usually always picks me up out of a funk. Swimming on the other hand, blah...
hey there kt, following up with you and everyone on your offer for help!
the blog is up here:
we are working through the name, and a graphic design... have a look!
I love your dogs.
I'm glad the run was able to bring you out of your funk. I'd probably be pretty grumpy all the time if working out didn't calm me down. :-)
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